Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 Would you support eliminating year round
schools if it required a 9% increase in your
property taxes to build new schools? If yes,
press 1. If no, press 2. If you’re not sure,
press 3.
Yes ……………………………………………………….. 23%
No …………………………………………………………. 62%
Not Sure…………………………………………………. 15%
Q2 If Wake County waited three years to start
eliminating year round schools it would require
a 3.4% increase in your property taxes. Would
you like the county to immediately start
eliminating year round schools, with a 9%
property tax increase, wait three years with a
3.4% property tax increase, or not eliminate
year round schools. If you would like to
immediately start eliminating year round
schools, press 1. If if you would like to start
eliminating year round schools in three years,
press 2. If you would not like to eliminate year
round schools, press 3. If you’re not sure,
press 4.
Immediately Eliminate………………………………. 16%
Eliminate in Three Years…………………………… 14%
Don’t Eliminate………………………………………… 63%
Not Sure…………………………………………………. 6%
Q3 Do you have children in the Wake County
Schools? If yes, press 1. If no, press 2.
Yes ……………………………………………………….. 47%
No …………………………………………………………. 53%
Q4 If you are a woman, press 1, if a man, press 2.
Women ………………. 55% Men……………………. 45%
Q5 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a
Republican, press 2. If other, press 3.
Democrat ……………………………………………….. 45%
Republican……………………………………………… 31%
Other……………………………………………………… 24%
Q6 If you are white, press 1. If you are African
American, press 2. If other, press 3.
White ………………….76%
African American ….19%
Other………………….. 5%
Q7 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1 now. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If you are 46 to 65,
press 3. If older than 65, press 4.
18-29………………….. 4%
30-45………………….. 37%
46-65………………….. 40%
Older than 65………. 20%