Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 Do you think illegal immigrants should be
allowed to attend community colleges in North
Carolina? If yes, press 1. If no, press 2. If
you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes ……………………. 19%
No ……………………… 74%
Not Sure……………… 8%
Q2 Do you think illegal immigrants should be
allowed to attend colleges or universities that
are part of the public UNC system? If yes,
press 1. If no, press 2. If you’re not sure, press
Yes ……………………………………………………….. 18%
No …………………………………………………………. 75%
Not Sure…………………………………………………. 7%
Q3 Do you think the children of illegal immigrants
who have graduated from North Carolina’s
public schools should be allowed to attend
community colleges in North Carolina? If yes,
press 1. If no, press 2. If you’re not sure, press
Yes…………………… 40%
No ……………………. 52%
Not Sure……………. 9%
Q4 Do you think the children of illegal immigrants
who have graduated from North Carolina’s
public schools should be allowed to attend
colleges or universities that are part of the
public UNC system? If yes, press 1. If no,
press 2. If you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes…………………… 38%
No ……………………. 54%
Not Sure……………. 8%
Q5 Do you think children born in this country to
illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend
community colleges in North Carolina? If yes,
press 1. If no, press 2. If you’re not sure, press
Yes…………………… 45%
No ……………………. 48%
Not Sure……………. 7%
Q6 Do you think children born in this country to
illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend
colleges or universities that are part of the
public UNC system? If yes, press 1. If no,
press 2. If you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes…………………… 42%
No ……………………. 51%
Not Sure……………. 7%
Q7 A bill was filed in the state senate last week
that would bar anyone “not lawfully present in
the United States” from taking classes at
community colleges in North Carolina. Would
you support this law? If yes, press 1. If no,
press 2. If you’re not sure, press 3.
Yes ……………………………………………………….. 59%
No …………………………………………………………. 29%
Not Sure…………………………………………………. 12%
Q8 Would you describe the community you live in
as urban, suburban, rural, or a small town? If
urban, press 1. If suburban, press 2. If rural,
press 3. If a small town, press 4.
Urban ……………….. 18%
Suburban ………….. 28%
Rural ………………… 27%
Small Town ……….. 27%
Q9 If you are a woman, press 1. If you are a man,
press 2.
Women ………………………………………………….. 50%
Men……………………………………………………….. 50%
Q10 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If you are a
Republican, press 2. If you are an independent
or identify with another party, press 3.
Democrat ……………. 46%
Republican………….. 34%
Independent/Other.. 21%
Q11 If you are white, press one now. If you are
African-American, press two now. If other,
press 3.
White …………………. 75%
Black………………….. 21%
Other………………….. 4%
Q12 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1 now. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If you are 46 to 65,
press 3. If older, press 4.
18-29………………….. 15%
30-45………………….. 25%
46-65………………….. 41%
Older Than 65……… 20%