Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 This time of year many North Carolina families
take advantage of our state’s diverse travel
destinations. Some families enjoy trips to our
state’s beautiful coastline, while other families
like to enjoy the mountain breeze. Which
destination do you and your family prefer? If
you prefer to spend your summer vacation at
the beach, please press 1 on your keypad now.
If you prefer the mountains, press 2. If you
have no preference, press 3.
Beach…………………. 51%
Mountains …………… 28%
No Preference……… 21%
Q2 North Carolina is known for its distinct
barbeque flavors from the Eastern and
Western parts of the state. The Eastern style
barbeque is popular for its vinegar based
sauce, while Western style barbeque uses a
tomato based sauce. Which style do you
prefer, Eastern-style, Western-style, or do you
like them both equally, or do you not know? If
you prefer Eastern-style barbeque, press 1. If
Western-style, press 2. If you like both styles
equally, press 3. If you don’t know, press 3.
Eastern……………… 47%
Western…………….. 29%
Don’t Know………… 24%
Q3 Recently, the DMV changed the color of the
lettering on North Carolina license plates from
blue to red because red fades more slowly
than the blue. Do you like the new red license
plates or did you like the blue license plates
better? Or does it make no difference to you? If
you like the red license plate, press 1 now. If
you like the blue license plate, press 2. If it
makes no difference to you, press 3.
Red ………………….. 26%
Blue………………….. 32%
No Difference …….. 42%
Q4 North Carolina boasts several professional
sports teams, including the NHL’s Carolina
Hurricanes, NFL’s Carolina Panthers, and
NBA’s Charlotte Bobcats. Of these three
professional sports teams, which is you
favorite? If the Carolina Hurricane’s, press 1. If
the Carolina Panthers, press 2. If the Charlotte
Bobcats, press 3. If you don’t prefer any team,
press 4.
Hurricanes…………. 14%
Panthers……………. 49%
Bobcats …………….. 10%
No Preference……. 27%
Q5 NASCAR is another popular spectator sport in
our state. Do you follow NASCAR? If yes, you
follow NASCAR, press 1. If no, you don’t follow
NASCAR, press 2.
Yes…………………… 34% No ……………………. 66%
Q6 Summers in North Carolina bring an
abundance of fresh fruits for us to enjoy,
including blueberries, strawberries, peaches,
and watermelon. Of these four popular crops,
which is your favorite? If blueberries are your
favorite, press 1. If strawberries, press 2. If
peaches, press 3. If watermelons, press 4. If
you have no preference, press 5. If you don’t
eat fruit, press 6.
Blueberries………… 13%
Strawberries………. 37%
Peaches ……………. 16%
Watermelons……… 21%
No Preference……. 12%
Don’t Eat Fruit ……. 1%
Q7 When you and your family choose to go on
vacation, do you vacation in North Carolina or
do you travel out of state? If you vacation in
North Carolina most of the time, press 1. If you
vacation outside of the state of North Carolina
most of the time, press 2.
In NC………………… 52% Out of NC………….. 48%
Q8 College athletics are wildly popular in North
Carolina. Fans support N.C. State, UNCChapel
Hill, Duke, Wake Forest, and East
Carolina University, to name a few. Of the
following universities, which team do you root
for? If you cheer for N.C. State, press 1. If UNC
-Chapel Hill, press 2. If Duke, press 3. If Wake
Forest, press 4. If East Carolina University,
press 5. If no preference, press 6.
NC State …………… 17%
UNC …………………. 33%
Duke…………………. 12%
Wake Forest………. 7%
ECU …………………. 6%
No Preference……. 24%
Q9 If you are a woman, press 1, if a man, press 2.
Women ………………. 57% Men……………………. 43%
Q10 If you are white, press one now. If you are
African-American, press two now. If other,
press 3.
White …………………. 74%
Black………………….. 20%
Other………………….. 6%
Q11 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1 now. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If you are 46 to 60,
press 3. If older, press 4.
18-29………………….. 10%
30-45………………….. 20%
46-60………………….. 33%
Older than 60………. 37%