Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 There are currently almost 12 million illegal
immigrants living in the United States. Would
you favor or oppose allowing those who have
been living and working in the United States for
a number of years, and who do not have a
criminal record, to start on a path to citizenship.
If you favor, press 1. If you oppose, press 2. If
you are not sure, press 3.
Favor …………………. 39%
Oppose ………………. 50%
Not Sure……………… 11%
Q2 Would you favor or oppose a program allowing
people from other countries to be guest
workers in the U.S. for a temporary period of
time, and then be required to return to their
home country? If you favor a temporary guest
worker program, press 1. If you oppose it,
press 2. If you are not sure, press 3.
Favor………………… 47%
Oppose …………….. 45%
Not Sure……………. 8%
Q3 When the U.S. government is deciding which
immigrants to admit to this country, should
priority be given to people who have family
members already living in the U.S., or should
priority be given to people based on education,
job skills and work experience? If priority
should be given to family members, press 1. If
priority should be given based on education
and skills, press 2. If you are not sure, press 3.
Connections ……….22%
Skills…………………. 57%
Not Sure……………. 21%
Q4 Some people have proposed that for health
reasons, smoking should be banned in all
public work places, including bars and
restaurants. Others think that the government
should not regulate smoking in public areas.
How likely are you to support or oppose a bill
banning smoking in public work places –
strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat
oppose, or strongly oppose? If you strongly
support, press 1. If you somewhat support,
press 2. If you somewhat oppose, press 3. If
you strongly oppose, press 4. If you are not
sure, press 5.
Strongly Support … 48%
Somewhat Support 14%
Somewhat Oppose 13%
Strongly Oppose … 24%
Not Sure……………. 2%
Q5 1.Some people also argue that smoking should
be banned on college campuses, not only in
dorms and classrooms, but on campus
grounds in general. How likely are you to
support or oppose such a proposal – strongly
support, somewhat support, somewhat
oppose, or strongly oppose? If you strongly
support, press 1. If you somewhat support,
press 2. If you somewhat oppose, press 3. If
you strongly oppose, press 4. If you are not
sure, press 5.
Strongly Support ….. 41%
Somewhat Support . 17%
Somewhat Oppose . 16%
Strongly Oppose ….. 24%
Not Sure……………… 3%
Q6 Recently, gas prices have again climbed to
above $3 per gallon and some people argue
that automobile manufacturers should be
forced to increase gas mileage and cut back
emissions. How likely are you to support or
oppose a bill that would require automakers to
increase the gas mileage of cars sold in North
Carolina – strongly support, somewhat support,
somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose? If you
strongly support, press 1. If you somewhat
support, press 2. If you somewhat oppose,
press 3. If you strongly oppose, press 4. If you
are not sure, press 5.
Strongly Support ….. 40%
Somewhat Support . 26%
Somewhat Oppose . 15%
Strongly Oppose ….. 16%
Not Sure……………… 3%
Q7 Another proposal being considered to lower
our dependence on oil is to institute a higher
gasoline tax. Proponents of a higher gas tax
argue that it would encourage conservation by
forcing us to invest in alternative fuel sources,
while others are opposed because it would
increase the cost of gasoline. How likely are
you to support or oppose an increased gas tax
to reduce our dependence on oil – strongly
support, somewhat support, somewhat
oppose, or strongly oppose? If you strongly
support, press 1. If you somewhat support,
press 2. If you somewhat oppose, press 3. If
you strongly oppose, press 4. If you are not
sure, press 5.
Strongly Support ….. 10%
Somewhat Support . 11%
Somewhat Oppose . 19%
Strongly Oppose ….. 56%
Not Sure……………… 3%
Q8 If you are a woman, press 1, if a man, press 2.
Women ………………. 51% Men……………………. 49%
Q9 What is your political affiliation? If Democrat,
press 1. If Republican, press 2. If other, press
Democrat ……………. 36%
Republican………….. 40%
Other………………….. 23%
Q10 If you are white, press one now. If you are
African-American, press two now. If other,
press 3.
White …………………. 88%
Black………………….. 7%
Other………………….. 6%
Q11 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1 now. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If you are 46 to 60,
press 3. If older, press 4.
18-29………………….. 6%
30-45………………….. 23%
46-60………………….. 33%
Older than 60………. 38%