Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 Looking back, do you think the United States
did the right thing in taking military action
against Iraq, or should the U.S. have stayed
out, or are you unsure? If you think the U.S.
did the right thing, press 1. If you think the
U.S. should have stayed out, press 2. If you
are unsure or don’t know, press 3.
Right Thing …………. 41%
Stay Out……………… 51%
Don’t Know …………. 8%
Q2 There is some discussion about how many
troops the US should have in Iraq right now.
Do you think the number of troops should be
increased, maintained at current levels,
decreased, withdrawn completely as soon as
possible, or are you unsure or don’t know? If
you think the number of troops should be
increased, press 1. If you think the number of
troops should be maintained at current levels,
press 2. If you think the number of troops
should be decreased, press 3. If you think the
troops should be withdrawn completely as
soon as possible, press 4. If you are unsure or
don’t know, press 5.
Increased……………. 12%
Current Levels …….. 25%
Decreased ………….. 26%
Withdrawn ASAP …. 31%
Don’t Know …………. 6%
Q3 Did you vote for George W. Bush in 2004? If
yes, press 1. If no, press 2. If you did not vote
in the 2004 election, press 3.
Yes…………………… 44%
No ……………………. 50%
Did Not Vote………. 5%
Q4 Imagine a situation in which you had to choose
between faithfully observing your religious
beliefs and going against these beliefs to keep
your job. What would you do? Would you be
faithful to your religious beliefs or would you go
against these beliefs to keep your job or are
you unsure or don’t know? If you would be
faithful to your religious beliefs, press 1. If you
would go against these beliefs to keep your
job, press 2. If you are unsure or don’t know,
press 3.
Faithful to Beliefs… 74%
Go Against Beliefs. 7%
Don’t Know………… 19%
Q5 Do you believe that the bible is the literal word
of God; God’s word, but not literal; Not God’s
word; or are you unsure or don’t know? If you
believe the bible is the literal word of God,
press 1. If you believe the bible is God’s word,
but not literal, press 2. If you believe the bible
is not God’s word, press 3. If you are unsure
or don’t know, press 4.
Literal Word of God . 51%
God’s Word; Not
Literal …………………. 36%
Not God’s Word …… 8%
Don’t Know …………. 5%
Q6 Do you believe that the existence of the state
of Israel is part of a biblical prophecy? If yes,
press 1. If no, press 2. If you are unsure or
don’t know, press 3.
Yes ……………………. 55%
No ……………………… 24%
Don’t Know …………. 22%
Q7 With respect to the Israeli-Palestinian situation,
whom do you sympathies lie with, the Israelis,
the Palestinians, both about equally, neither or
are you unsure or don’t know? If the Israelis,
press 1. If the Palestinians, press 2. If both
groups about equally, press 3. If neither, press
4. If you are unsure or don’t know, press 5.
Israelis` ………………. 44%
Palestinians ………… 7%
Both Groups
Equally ………………..31%
Neither Group ……… 8%
Don’t Know …………. 10%
Q8 Do you believe in a two-state solution to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict? If yes, press 1. If
no, press 2. If you are unsure or don’t know,
press 3.
Yes ……………………. 43%
No ……………………… 17%
Don’t know………….. 40%
Q9 Do you feel that the US should support Israel at
all costs? If yes, strongly, press 1. If yes,
somewhat strongly, press 2. If no, somewhat
strongly, press 3. If no, strongly, press 4. If
you are unsure or don’t know, press 5.
Yes, Strongly ………. 33%
Yes, Somewhat
No, Somewhat
No, Strongly ………… 5%
Don’t Know …………. 13%
Q10 In terms of party identification, do you usually
think of yourself as strongly Republican, weakly
Republican, an independent, strongly
Democrat, weakly Democrat, or something
else? If strongly Republican, press 1. If
weakly Republican, press 2. If independent,
press 3. If strongly Democrat, press 4. If
weakly Democrat, press 5. If something else,
press 6.
Strongly Republican 25%
Weakly Republcian . 9%
Independent………… 22%
Strongly Democrat .. 32%
Weakly Democrat … 9%
Something Else……. 3%
Q11 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as
strongly liberal, weakly liberal, moderate,
weakly conservative, strongly conservative, or
something else? If strongly liberal, press 1. If
weakly liberal, press 2. If moderate, press 3. If
weakly conservative, press 4. If strongly
conservative, press 5. If something else, press
Strongly Liberal……. 13%
Weakly Liberal …….. 11%
Moderate…………….. 32%
Something Else……. 9%
Q12 Would you consider yourself to be a born again
Christian? If yes, press 1. If no, press 2.
Yes ……………………. 66% No ……………………… 34%
Q13 What is the highest level of education you have
achieved? Did not complete high school;
completed high school or equivalent; attended
college or equivalent, but did not finish; earned
a college degree or equivalent; possessed
some graduate training or a graduate degree?
If you did not complete high school, press1. If
you completed high school or equivalent, press
2. If you attended college or equivalent, but did
not finish, press 3. If you have a college
degree or equivalent, press 4. If you received
some graduate training or a graduate degree,
press 5.
Did Not Complete
High School …………6%
High School or
Equivalent ……………20%
College; Did Not
Finish ………………….24%
College Degree or
Equivalent ……………28%
Graduate Training or
Degree………………….. 22%
Q14 What is your total family income before taxes?
Less than $15,000; between $15,000 and
$35,000; between $36,000 and $50,000;
between $51,000 and $75,000; between
$76,000 and $100,000; more than $100,000?
If less than $15,000, press 1. If between
$15,000-$35,000, press 2. If between $36,000
-$50,000, press 3. If between $51,000-
$75,000, press 4. If between $76,000-
$100,000, press 5. If more than $100,000,
press 6.
Less than 15,000 … . 8%
Between 15-35,000 . 24%
Between 36-50,000 . 18%
Between 51-75,000 .21%
Between 76-
100,000………………. 15%
More Than 100,000 . 14%
Q15 If you’re a woman, press 1. If you’re a man,
press 2.
Female…………………………………………………… 54%
Male………………………………………………………. 46%
Q16 If you are White, press 1. If you are Black,
press 2. If Other, press 3.
White …………………. 77%
Black………………….. 20%
Other………………….. 3%
Q17 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1 now. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If you are 46 to 65,
press 3. If older, press 4.
18-29………………….. 8%
30-45………………….. 23%
46-65………………….. 45%
Older than 65………. 24%