PPP’s newest Louisiana poll continues to find strong support for John Bel Edwards’ leadership during the coronavirus crisis. 64% of voters approve of the job he’s doing handling the virus to only 22% who disapprove. He receives positive marks from Democrats (85/8), independents (50/31), and Republicans (46/36) alike.
64% of voters agree with the Governor’s decision to extend the stay at home order through May 15th to only 31% who think it should have been allowed to expire at the end of April. That includes 62/34 support from independents for extending the order. Only 30% of voters say they would be comfortable going out to eat now even if the stay at home order was lifted, to 66% who say they would not be.
Overall 56% of voters say that the state of Louisiana’s handling of the crisis has been ‘about right’ to only 26% who think it’s overreacting and 13% who believe it’s underreacting.
Voters make it clear their priorities for the upcoming legislative session are passing a budget to avert a government shutdown (37% rate it as top issue) and emergency coronavirus legislation (32%). Nothing else polls higher than 8% as top issue.
Claims from some conservative lawmakers that the public wants to see tort reform are inaccurate—only 3% of Louisianans choose tort reform from a list of issues the legislature should focus on. And when given the choice between handling only the budget and COVID issues, or expanding into issues such as tort reform, 62% of the respondents thought the legislature should only deal with the budget and COVID. Only 18% thought they should tackle issues like tort reform.
PPP interviewed 990 Louisiana voters on April 30th and May 1st. The margin of error is +/-3.1% and the full results are here