Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 The Democratic candidates still running for
President are Hillary Clinton and Barack
Obama. If the primary was today, who would
you vote for? If you would vote for Hillary
Clinton, press 1. If for Barack Obama, press 2.
If you’re undecided press 3.
Clinton………………… 43%
Obama……………….. 47%
Undecided…………… 10%
Q2 (Asked only of those who said undecided in
Q1) Would you say that you are leaning toward
voting for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? If
you are leaning toward voting for Hillary
Clinton, press 1. If you are leaning toward
voting for Barack Obama, press 2. If you’re still
completely undecided, press 3. Respondents
who picked Clinton or Obama in Q1 were
coded as null for Q2.
Clinton………………. 3%
Obama ……………… 2%
Undecided…………. 5%
Null…………………… 90%
Q3 If you are a woman, press 1, if a man, press 2.
Women ………………. 58% Men……………………. 42%
Q4 If you are white, press 1, if African-American,
press 2. If other, press 3.
White …………………. 76%
African American ….18%
Other………………….. 6%
Q5 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1 now. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If you are 46 to 65,
press 3. If older than 65, press 4.
18-29………………….. 16%
30-45………………….. 25%
46-65………………….. 35%
Older than 65………. 24%
Q6 Region
Northeast PA ………………………………………….. 9%
Southeast PA………………………………………….. 45%
South Central PA…………………………………….. 10%
West Central PA ……………………………………… 10%
Southwest PA …………………………………………. 26%