Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 There will be a number of people running for
President in 2008 as Democrats. Some of the
most talked about are Hillary Clinton, John
Edwards and Barack Obama. If the
Democratic primary were today which of these
candidates would you vote for, or would you
vote for somebody else? If you would vote for
Hillary Clinton, press 1 on your key pad now. If
for John Edwards, press 2. If for Barack
Obama, press 3. If you would vote for
somebody else, press 4.
Clinton………………… 16%
Edwards……………… 29%
Obama……………….. 15%
Someone else……… 40%
Q2 There will Democratic primary for Governor.
Richard Moore, Beverly Perdue and Bill Faison
have been mentioned as candidates. If the
primary election were today which of these
candidates would you vote for or would you
vote for somebody else? If you would vote for
Richard Moore, press 1. If for Beverly Perdue,
press 2. If for Bill Faison, press 3. If you would
vote for somebody else, press 4.
Moore……………….. 20%
Perdue ……………… 32%
Faison ………………. 7%
Someone else ……. 41%
Q3 I am going to name 7 issues. Which of these is
most important to you? The War in Iraq,
education, the economy and jobs, taxes, moral
or family values, health care, or immigration. If
the War in Iraq is most important, press 1. If
education, press 2. If the economy and jobs,
press 3. If taxes, press 4. If moral and family
values, press 5. If health care, press 6. If
immigration, press 7. If some other issue is
most important, press 8.
War in Iraq ………… 30%
Education ………….. 6%
Economy and jobs. 13%
Taxes ……………….. 12%
Moral or Family
Health care………… 8%
Immigration ……….. 13%
Other ………………… 2%
Q4 If you are a woman, press 1, if a man, press 2.
Women ………………. 58% Men……………………. 42%
Q5 If you are white, press one now. If you are
African-American, press two now. If other,
press 3.
White …………………. 63%
Black………………….. 28%
Other………………….. 9%
Q6 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1 now. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If you are 46 to 60,
press 3. If older, press 4.
18-29………………….. 11%
30-45………………….. 25%
46-60………………….. 32%
Older than 60………. 31%