Raleigh, N.C. –
Looking forward to the 2014 and 2016 elections with respect to the Senate and
Presidential races, Virginia voters prefer Democrats over Republicans.
When asked about the approval of their current elected leaders, Virginia
voters approve of the job performance of Democrats, President Obama (53-43),
Senator Mark Warner (52-31), and Senator Tim Kaine (42-36, with 22% of voters
undecided), while also approving of Republican Governor Bob McDonnell (48-35). Even
though Republican Governor McDonnell is approved, Virginians have an unfavorable
opinion of Republican Majority Leader, Congressman Eric Cantor (VA-7), who is
currently sitting at 44% unfavorable and 27% favorable.
Democrat Mark Warner comes out on top of every pairing with potential Republican
candidates for the Senate next year. Warner leads current Lt. Governor Bill
Bolling (53-35), Congressman Eric Cantor (56-37), Attorney General Ken
Cuccinelli (57-36), and Governor Bob McDonnell (52-42).
Of the Virginia voters polled in this survey, 49% voted for Barack Obama,
45% for Mitt Romney, and 5% voted for someone else or they couldn’t remember. When
asked about whom they would vote for President in 2016, Virginians selected
Democrat Hillary Clinton over Republican Governor Bob McDonnell (49-44).
Although Virginians favor Democrats over Republicans locally, with 45%
saying they would vote for a Democrat and 41% saying they would vote for a Republican
candidate for their state legislature, Virginians do not want their leaders
running for President. According to the poll, Virginians suggested neither Gov.
Bob McDonnell nor Senator Mark Warner should run for President in 2016 with
results of (47-31) and (46-32), respectively.
“Mark Warner would start out with a substantial advantage no matter who his
opponent is next year,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling.
“He continues to be one of the most popular Senators in the country.”
PPP surveyed 602
Virginia voters from January 4th to 6th. The margin of
error is +/-4.0%. This poll was not paid for or authorized by any campaign or political
organization. PPP surveys are conducted through automated telephone interviews.
Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of President
Barack Obama’s job performance?
Approve …………………………………………………. 53%
Disapprove……………………………………………… 43%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 3%
Q2 Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Mark
Warner’s job performance?
Approve …………………………………………………. 52%
Disapprove……………………………………………… 31%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 17%
Q3 Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Bob
McDonnell’s job performance
Approve …………………………………………………. 48%
Disapprove……………………………………………… 35%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 16%
Q4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Eric Cantor?
Favorable……………………………………………….. 27%
Unfavorable ……………………………………………. 44%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 29%
Q5 If the candidates for Senate next year were
Democrat Mark Warner and Republican Bill
Bolling, who would you vote for?
Mark Warner …………………………………………… 53%
Bill Bolling ………………………………………………. 35%
Undecided………………………………………………. 12%
Q6 If the candidates for Senate next year were
Democrat Mark Warner and Republican Eric
Cantor, who would you vote for?
Mark Warner …………………………………………… 56%
Eric Cantor……………………………………………… 37%
Undecided………………………………………………. 7%
Q7 If the candidates for Senate next year were
Democrat Mark Warner and Republican Ken
Cuccinelli, who would you vote for?
Mark Warner …………………………………………… 57%
Ken Cuccinelli …………………………………………. 36%
Undecided………………………………………………. 6%
Q8 If the candidates for Senate next year were
Democrat Mark Warner and Republican Bob
McDonnell, who would you vote for?
Mark Warner …………………………………………… 52%
Bob McDonnell ……………………………………….. 42%
Undecided………………………………………………. 7%
Q9 If the candidates for President in 2016 were
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Bob
McDonnell, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton………………………………………….. 49%
Bob McDonnell ……………………………………….. 44%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 7%
Q10 Do you think Bob McDonnell should run for
President in 2016, or not?
He should run …………………………………………. 31%
He should not………………………………………….. 47%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 22%
Q11 Do you think Mark Warner should run for
President in 2016, or not?
He should run …………………………………………. 32%
He should not………………………………………….. 46%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 22%
Q12 Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Tim
Kaine’s job performance?
Approve …………………………………………………. 42%
Disapprove……………………………………………… 36%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 22%
Q13 Generally speaking, if there was an election for
the state legislature today, would you vote for
the Democratic or Republican candidate from
your district?
Democrat ……………………………………………….. 45%
Republican……………………………………………… 41%
Not sure …………………………………………………. 15%
Q14 Who did you vote for President in 2012?
Barack Obama………………………………………… 49%
Mitt Romney……………………………………………. 45%
Someone else/Don’t remember …………………. 5%
Q15 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,
somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat
conservative, or very conservative?
Very liberal ……………………………………………… 10%
Somewhat liberal …………………………………….. 17%
Moderate………………………………………………… 32%
Somewhat conservative……………………………. 24%
Very conservative ……………………………………. 17%
Q16 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.
Woman ………………………………………………….. 55%
Man……………………………………………………….. 45%
Q17 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican,
press 2. If you are an independent or identify
with another party, press 3.
Democrat ……………………………………………….. 35%
Republican……………………………………………… 32%
Independent/Other…………………………………… 32%
Q18 If you are white, press 1. If African-American,
press 2. If other, press 3.
White …………………………………………………….. 73%
African-American …………………………………….. 18%
Other……………………………………………………… 9%
Q19 If you are 18 to 45 years old, press 1. If 46 to
65, press 2. If you are older than 65, press 3.
18 to 45………………………………………………….. 36%
46 to 65………………………………………………….. 43%
Older than 65………………………………………….. 21%