Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 The Democratic candidates for Governor are
Creigh Deeds, Terry McAuliffe, and Brian
Moran. If the election was today, who would
you vote for? If Creigh Deeds, press 1. If
Terry McAuliffe, press 2. If Brian Moran, press
3. If you’re undecided, press 4.
Creigh Deeds………. 20%
Terry McAuliffe…….. 29%
Brian Moran ………… 20%
Undecided…………… 31%
Q2 Are you solidly committed to your current
choice for Governor, or is there a chance you
could vote for another candidate? If you are
solidly committed, press 1. If there is a chance
you could vote for another candidate, press 2.
Solidly Committed……………………………………. 58%
Could Change Mind …………………………………. 42%
Q3 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Creigh Deeds? If favorable, press 1. If
unfavorable, press 2. If you’re not sure, press
Favorable……………………………………………….. 42%
Unfavorable ……………………………………………. 16%
Not Sure…………………………………………………. 43%
Q4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Terry McAuliffe? If favorable, press 1. If
unfavorable, press 2. If you’re not sure, press
Favorable……………………………………………….. 37%
Unfavorable ……………………………………………. 36%
Not Sure…………………………………………………. 27%
Q5 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Brian Moran? If favorable, press 1. If
unfavorable, press 2. If you’re not sure, press
Favorable……………………………………………….. 38%
Unfavorable ……………………………………………. 20%
Not Sure…………………………………………………. 43%
Q6 Are you committed to supporting the
Democratic candidate for Governor this fall,
regardless of who ends up winning the
nomination? If yes, press 1. If no, press 2.
Yes ……………………………………………………….. 76%
No …………………………………………………………. 24%
Q7 The Democratic candidates for Lieutenant
Governor are Michael Signer and Jody
Wagner. If the election was today, who would
you vote for? If Michael Signer, press 1. If
Jody Wagner, press 2. If you’re undecided,
press 3.
Signer ……………………………………………………. 11%
Wagner ………………………………………………….. 21%
Undecided………………………………………………. 68%
Q8 Would you describe yourself as a liberal,
moderate, or conservative? If a liberal, press
1. If a moderate, press 2. If a conservative,
press 3.
Liberal ……………………………………………………. 34%
Moderate………………………………………………… 52%
Conservative…………………………………………… 14%
Q9 If you are a woman, press 1, if a man, press 2.
Woman ………………………………………………….. 58%
Man……………………………………………………….. 42%
Q10 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a
Republican, press 2. If other, press 3.
Democrat ……………………………………………….. 74%
Republican……………………………………………… 6%
Other……………………………………………………… 20%