
Colorado Political Landscape

| pppadmin

A new Public Policy Polling survey of Colorado voters finds that Donald Trump is extremely unpopular in the state and that Democrats have the early edge for Governor next year over Republican front runner Tom Tancredo, with Jared Polis posting the biggest lead against him of the Democratic contenders.

Key findings from the survey:

-Trump has just a 36% approval rating in Colorado, with 56% of voters disapproving of him. Independents disapprove of the job he’s doing by a 2:1 margin, with 58% giving him poor marks to only 29% who are happy with his performance. He also has a problem within his own party, with 19% of Republicans rating him poorly. Trump’s only at 41/53 even with white voters.

-Early Republican primary polling has shown that Tom Tancredo is the front runner to be his party’s candidate for Governor, but he trails 4 prospective Democratic opponents by anywhere from 4 to 8 points. Jared Polis does the best of the Democrats with a 46/38 advantage, followed by Cary Kennedy who leads 45/38, Donna Lynne who leads 43/38, and Mike Johnston who leads 43/39.

-Democrats are both more unified around their candidates than Republicans are around Tancredo, and have the advantage with independents. Polis, Kennedy, and Lynne are all running 3 points better with Democrats than Tancredo is with Republicans. And all 4 Democrats have leads ranging from 4 to 9 points with independents.

Public Policy Polling interviewed 770 Colorado voters on December 4th and 5th through a combination of automated telephone interviews and online interviews to reach cell phone only households. The survey’s margin of error is +/-3.5%. This research was conducted on behalf of RBI Strategies and Research, Inc.

Full results here

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