Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.
Q1 In October you will be voting on an 88.6 million
dollar city parks bond, that will help pay for new
parkland, park facilities and greenways
including along the Neuse River. If the election
were today would you vote for or against the
parks bond? If for, press 1 on your keypad
now. If against, press 2. If you are undecided,
press 3.
For …………………….. 64%
Against……………….. 29%
Undecided…………… 7%
Q2 The parks bond would likely cause your
property taxes to go up approximately 2 cents
before revaluation. Would you support an
increase in impact fees that developers pay for
each newly built home to help offset the
amount of property tax increase required to
service the parks bond? If you would support a
higher impact fee, press 1. If opposed, press
2. If you are not sure, press 3.
Support ………………. 71%
Oppose ………………. 21%
Not sure ……………… 8%
Q3 In November there will be a 26 million dollar
Wake County open space bond issue. If the
election were held today would you vote for or
against the Wake County open space bond? If
for, press 1. If against, press 2. If you are
undecided, press 3.
For …………………….. 51%
Against……………….. 32%
Undecided…………… 17%
Q4 In October you can vote for 2 of the 6
candidates for the two city-wide at-large seats
on the Raleigh city council. If the election were
held today, which of these six candidates
would be your first choice? Paul Anderson,
Mary Ann Baldwin, William Best, Russ
Stephenson, Helen Tart or David Williams? If
Paul Anderson, press 1. If Mary Ann Baldwin,
press 2. If William Best, press 3. If Russ
Stephenson, press 4. If Helen Tart, press 5. If
David Williams, press 6. If you are undecided,
press 7.
Anderson…………… 11%
Baldwin …………….. 7%
Best………………….. 3%
Stephenson……….. 16%
Tart…………………… 2%
Williams…………….. 1%
Undecided…………. 60%
Q5 Which candidate would be your second
choice? If Paul Anderson, press 1. If Mary
Ann Baldwin, press 2. If William Best, press 3.
If Russ Stephenson, press 4. If Helen Tart,
press 5. If David Williams, press 6. If you are
undecided, press 7.
Anderson…………… 7%
Baldwin …………….. 5%
Best………………….. 2%
Stephenson……….. 6%
Tart…………………… 3%
Williams…………….. 2%
Undecided…………. 73%
N/A…………………… 2%
Q6 If you are a woman, press 1, if a man, press 2.
Women ………………. 53% Men……………………. 47%
Q7 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a
Republican, press 2. If other, press 3.
Democrat ……………. 55%
Republican………….. 30%
Other………………….. 14%
Q8 If you are white, press 1. If African-American,
press 2. If other, press 3.
White …………………. 83%
Black………………….. 12%
Other………………….. 5%
Q9 If you are less than 29 years old, press 1. If
you are 30 to 45, press 2. If 46 to 65, press 3.
If more than 65, press 4.
Less than 29 ……….. 3%
30-45………………….. 18%
46-65………………….. 48%
Older than 65………. 31%